Thursday, July 01, 2021


Here's a brand new addition to the "Eco-Art" series of drawings and paintings I've launched since my arrival in Panama:

Indigenous girl from the Panamanian Ngabe tribe.
Colored pencil on white bond paper

by Gary Stamper

The reality of moving to a new country is rarely what you imagine it might be in so many ways. A lot of new Ex-Pats have been disappointed by their choices, often because of their expectations. Some of the stories around that disappointment are sad and completely avoidable with a lot of homework, including visiting your choice of country before deciding to move there.

My planned exploratory trip in March of 2020 to Panama was cancelled because of lockdowns. Panama's reaction the virus was swift and decisive, a far cry from my home contry's response of denial. Panama closed their borders immediately, and by the time they reopened 9 months later, I was ready to go, exploratory visit be damned as I had done a lot more homework on Panama during the lockdown!

Having turned 75 in May of 2020 in lockdown, I knew I didn't want to continue working the way I had been. After all, wasn't time for me to slow down a bit, relax, and wasn't I headed for the Caribbean and some of the finest beaches in the world? The answer has been a resounding "Yes."

My main focus from here on is going to be my art. Those of you who know me well know art had been a major part of my entire life. I'm beginning a series of what I'm calling "Eco-Art" pieces on endangered species of Panama. The Many of you have seen my Scarlett McCaw (above with added copy) and my Loggerhead Turtle (below,also with added copy). Scarlett McCaws are no on Isla Colon where I live and Turtles are also endangered and all around the world. The purpose is intended to wake people up to the massive species die- taking place now

More recently, scientists at the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity concluded that: “Every day, up to 150 species are lost.” That could be as much as 10 percent a decade. -- link


We need to be paying close attention to species die-off. The loss of bees alone would likely eliminate our ability to grow food and would place humanity on our own endangered species list, but our greed tells us it's more important to sell pesticides than worry about the bees that are disappearing because of them.

I'm looking for a online source where I can sell my drawings and paintings that will allow me to tell the story about how human-caused climate change and greed is impacting these species and what it means to lose them. Ultimately, we are connected - one - and as I've repeatedly said:

"we are not the masters of this planet. We are but one experimental subset of a greater web of life and our time here has been short. The planet will be fine without us. The choice is ours."

Earlier Drawings of Other Endangered Species

Wolves, not found in Panama, but there are wild dog cousins

Cougars: North America, Mexico, Latin America, South America
along with their cousins, Panthers and Leopards

Habitat destruction and environmental pollution are the biggest threats to Ospreys

More to come

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